Tuesday, September 16, 2014

          YouTube is a website used  by many of people every day. A lot of people ,however, do not  know all the features of YouTube. The first thing we're going to look at is Playlists. Playlists on YouTube are much like playlists you might make on music sites.  Basically, you find videos you like in and simply add them to your playlists. That way all your favorite videos can be on one playlist and they will automatically play right after the previous video is done. It is a very easy, very convenient way to listen to music.

1. Click on My Channel in the left corner under What to Watch.

2. On your channel, click on Playlists below your name.

3. Click on New playlist next to Created playlists.

4. Type in the title of your new playlist and click create highlighted in blue.

5.Click on Add video on the right hand side of the screen. 

6. Search for the videos you want to add to your playlist

7 Lastly, click on the video you want and click select. To add more videos repeat steps 4-7.

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